Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Home Run

Last Thursday I went for my 5th chemo treatment. Before treatment began, I saw my oncologist. He sailed in the door beaming, and said," Mrs. Kelly, you hit a home run. I have never seen anyone respond so well or so quickly to chemotherapy! It's cases like yours that make me want to practice medicine!" HOORAY!
What this means for me is one more chemotherapy in early August, and regular PET scans every three months for a year. Other than that, I will still have to have patience with my fatigue levels and just wait to see what my new hair will look like when it grows back.
The light at the end of the tunnel continues to grow brighter. I am learning soooooo much on this detour, not just about staying present in each moment and knowing change is inevitable, but so much about what love, support and positive thinking can do to get us through the most unexpected, scary moments. I continue to be humbled by all that I have been through, and I am awed and grateful for the amazing support from all of you that has carried me along this path.


  1. We are so happy that the end of your treatment is near and going so well!! Keep it up! Lots of positive thoughts from the Walkers.

  2. Dear Sporty:

    Your almost there, and we are all so proud of you! Your constant upbeat, positive, faithful attitude has without question been the key (not to mention your toughness!!). Keep up the good work. We'll have a toast soon at the end of the process. See you again soon.
    The Smileys

  3. Dear Rose,

    We are thrilled with this greatest news and we are sure looking forward to seeing your smily face at school really soon! Hang in there and this will all be a distant dream!

    Our best,
    Claudia, Freddie and Isabella

  4. Dear Rose,
    We are not surprised that you hit a home run with your treatments! Your physical, mental and spiritual strength are unstoppable. We all look forward to seeing you at the start of the fresh school year. Thank you for keeping everyone posted and for inspiring all of us. Sue, Chris, Vivian, Lucy and Tess McHugh

  5. We are all thrilled by the great news and excited about the prospects of seeing you back at school this fall.... Given your perpetually positive attitude, the home run is no surprise.... Best wishes.... Lee, Jessica, Alex and Sydney.

  6. Hey girl. I new you could do it which is why I look up to you with such admiration. Love from out chere in Na-ashville.


  7. Rose,
    I have wanted to reach out to since our meeting last spring. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and your blogs are an inspiration to me.

    Laura Barr

  8. Rose,
    Keep the Faith. You are an inspiration, Stacy

  9. Rose,

    We are so glad to hear the good news and look forward to having you back at St. Anne's. You are truly an amazing and strong person. You deserve a lot of pampering after this last treatment.


    Jen, Joe, and Haley Bagan

  10. Rose,
    This is WONDERFUL news! We have been thinking about you and praying for the best. Congratulations on such fantastic news. That will teach that darn disease to not mess with a former New Yorker!!!
    Anyway, we are thrilled for you and hoping we will see that happy face when we walk on campus this month. Take good care! Keep fighting!
    Lots of love,
    The Pride Family
    Jennifer, Gene, Holeman, & Lyndsey
