Saturday, June 27, 2009

Great News!!

Last Thursday, the 25th, I returned to the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center for my 4th round of chemo. The Thursday prior I underwent my second PET scan. My visit to RMCC was not only to receive the chemo, but to review the results of the PET scan with my oncologist. During my 3rd round of chemo, the doctor ordered the PET scan, saying we could determine the extent of the cancer. I, in my own way, asked, "Do you mean we can determine the extent of the healing?" I was confident the report would be a good one, since I have been feeling better and stronger, and the evidence of cancer in my neck appeared to have been gone for quite a while.

I had no idea when I sat in the infusion room that Dr. Feiner would come racing over to me, so excited, waving my report in his hand....He had it marked with certain passages circled and exclamation points. Rob and I listened as he went over the report while my nurse was drawing blood and starting chemo number 4....

The report states: "NO EVIDENCE OF RESIDUAL DISEASE"! In other words, I am 100% in remission! What a blessing! What a miracle! Even the doctor couldn't believe the extent of and my rate of recovery! Needless to say, Rob and I are overjoyed with the news! Picture me laughing and weeping at the same time.
I am certain all the love and good wishes along the way have helped the process along. I continue to be so grateful to all of you who visit this blog, think about me, send sweet notes, and say prayers. All those good wishes are the most healing medicine of all.

After the great report, and I might add, my blood work is looking healthier and I am gaining strength and energy every day, I will continue with the chemotherapy treatments. I do not have to return to RMCC for another 3 weeks, when I will have round 5 and a future course of treatment will be determined. My doctor is wonderful...he tends to err on the side of caution. To paraphrase his words, we don't want to put all our eggs in the PET scan basket, so the chemo will continue to be sure we haven't missed any microscopic cells that might not have appeared on the scan.
Regardless, of future treatments, I am definitely on the upswing and the beautiful light at the end of this tunnel is shining more brightly than ever.


  1. Dear Rose,
    We are away for the summer and have been very out of touch. I thought I'd log in to see if we needed to "do" anything in prep for next year and saw you had a blog. What a blessing indeed.

    Keep up your spirits and take care.

    Eli and family, Paris, France

  2. Ya
    We are so happy to hear that you are on the upswing. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and hope to see you soon.
    The Shadow & Family

  3. The Rudnick FamilyJune 30, 2009 at 3:02 PM

    I have been meaning to check your blog all June and I can see by your recent post that it was worth the wait. Congratulations on your test results!!! We have been thinking of you and your family and am so glad to hear that everything is going well. You deserve it! We will continue to send our best wishes and keep in touch via this blog!
    The Rudnick Family

  4. Dear Rose, I was talking with Lannie today and she told me about your cancer!! I am so sorry, but I know you will pull through because you are one of the most positive, strong people I know!! I was on the St. Anne's website and I saw your blog so I thought I would send you a note. I have actually been on the St. Annes website a couple of times because I am applying for a job at St. Anne's. After 24 years of selling real estate I am hanging it up. I have always wanted to be in a nurturing environment like St. Anne's so hopefully someday there will be some thing for me there!!
    I am saying a lot of prayers for you and sending you a lot of love as I know many people are. I know you will overcome this!! Give Rob my love!!
    Molly Mitchell Martin

  5. That is THE best news! We love you and will pray for continued strength. Can't wait to see you again!
    Ray, Niki and Jerry

  6. I'm sitting here weeping. I'm so damn happy and so,so relieved. You are a special person and I'm sure Rob and the girls are absolutely beyond themselves with happiness. No doubt they've made your journey more tolerable, contributing love and support and ensuring your well-being. But Rose, my best buddy in the whole wide world, I think it is you with your indomitable spirit and your positive outlook that has given you the tools to lick this thing.

    You know how great minds think alike? My blog has the same banner colors as yours. Weird.

    Big buckets of love to you, Rob and the girls.

  7. Rose, Thank you so much for sharing!! We are truly happy for you and your family.
    Love, Bill, Carole, Grace & George
