Saturday, June 13, 2009

Three Rounds Down

On Thursday, June 4 I completed my third round of chemotherapy. Although I would have far preferred to have been at St. Anne's graduation, I was thrilled to get a good report from my wonderful oncologist, Dr. Alan Feiner. The red blood cell count is stronger and other serious concerns are no longer on the radar--truly a blessing. For the first time since April 23, I don't have to return to the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center for a full 3 weeks! As much as I love my doctor and nurses, not having to go back for tests, etc. is great! Despite a pretty dramatic slump, which is expected on days 7, 8 and 9 of the cycle, I am stronger than before and I find myself coming out of the slump with more energy. I continue to tolerate the chemo well, with minimum side effects, although the steroids wind me up and when I go off them, the slump is a true crash. The fatigue is indescribable! Because things look as encouraging as they do, Dr. Feiner has ordered another PET scan for Thursday the 18th. That test will help determine the extent of my healing and the remainder (I hope) of my course of treatment. 

I continue to be so grateful to all of you for your ongoing good wishes, notes, cards, energy, and more. Each and every one of you continues to play an important part in my recovery.


  1. We Love you Rose!!!!!!!

    Brooke and Charlie

  2. Yea. Hang in there and know I love you. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow as I do most every day.


    Oh yes I am wise
    But it's wisdom born of pain
    Yes, I've paid the price
    But look how much I gained
    If I have to, I can do anything
    I am strong (strong)
    I am invincible (invincible)
    I am woman
