Monday, May 18, 2009

Thank You

To all those who have sent kind thoughts, heartfelt notes, funny get well cards, good wishes, prayers and more, I am most grateful. The collective power of your wonderful support is profound and strong positive healing medicine indeed. 
Please know I am overwhelmed by the expansive outpouring of love and support from all of you. Your acts of kindness and your words of love and encouragement mean the world to me. I think of you all everyday, humbly realizing how fortunate I am to be a part of each of you and our wonderful St. Anne's Family.


  1. Thanks for sharing your story on your blog - it's so "Rose"! I can feel your energy and spirit while reading it. Just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you - the Ramey family - and all of the folks at Children's Garden as well. Keep up the positive thoughts and we will too!

    Catherine Ramey

  2. Rose,

    The Campbell girls are thinking of you and wishing you well! I am a survivor and I know you will be too! I can hear your voice telling that story like I was sitting next to you. Take care my friend.

    Tricia Campbell

  3. Rose it was so amazing to see you on campus last week. You looked great. Your strength continues to shine through during this tough time. You are truly amazing and thank you for sharing your story. love wylly staab
