Monday, May 18, 2009

The Outlook

With two chemotherapy sessions completed successfully, I will continue to receive six more treatments, one every three weeks until mid September. Between chemo sessions doctors monitor my blood and halfway through the process a more extensive scan will be conducted to measure my progress.
The outlook is very positive. Having summer to rest and recuperate should allow me to return to school strong and healthy in the fall. 
I look forward to the time when we will all be together again.


  1. Rose, As I read your story, I hear it told in your strong, loving voice. This is what gives me the confidence that you, an inspiration to so many even before you battled cancer, will beat this! I look forward to hearing of your recovery and seeing you back on campus soon. We speak and think of you everyday at our house. Love and well wishes, Autumn Hurd and family

  2. Sporty:
    Another treatment down Thursday, and another day closer to being healed. You'll do great, as usual. You'll be in our thoguths and prayers, as you have been from day one. See you again soon.
    The Smileys

  3. I love you baby are doing just great and are an insiration to so many.
    Keep up your wonderful attitude and positive thinking.
    Jack and I know you will be fine and we loooooove
    you xoxoxoxox
    Your Big Sister.

  4. I meant inspiration but I had a few glasses of wine

  5. Rose: what strength you have during this really rugged time. While you suffer you still reach out to ease the concerns of others. And best of all, you still maintain that delightful sense of humor. This is why I love you, gal. I will be checking in to monitor your progress. In the meantime, I will be sending hugs and best wishes from Nashville. Hee Haw.
    Leslie Parsley

  6. Rose, thank you for telling your story as so many of us are thinking of you and are grateful for the news that confirms you doing well. As so many have already said, your always upbeat and optimistic view is an inspiration! We have all missed you so much at St. Anne's as it is simply a place that is not the same without your presence. You are in our prayers, Rose, and we can't wait to see you again in the fall!
    Ken, Dana, Alex and Courtney Good

  7. Good Day Rose,
    Many of us continue to think of you even after the last day of school. You fell on my mind this a.m as I stopped to smell the roses. I hope all continues to be well and good for you.
    Many many Blessings...
    See you soon,
    Meta, Kinya and Gloria
