Thursday, September 17, 2009

Back In The Saddle

Thursday, September 17, 2009
What a delight it is to report that this will be my last post! I am back at school four half days a week through September, and eager to resume a full time schedule and begin admissions fun in October!
My journey has been filled with so many blessings and opportunities, and I am thrilled to report that I am cancer-free and finished with chemotherapy. Today would have begun my eighth cycle of chemo, had I needed all eight. Thanks to great doctors, a strong constitution, spirit, sense of humor and the support of my family and so many friends and loved ones, I managed to graduate from chemotherapy after six sessions. The last chemo cycle ended right around my birthday, which I am certain was no accident. The celebrations and "ending rituals" were numerous. It was a great feeling to say good-bye to cancer and hello to a new birth year as well as a new school year. Day by day my energy continues to improve. Being back at St. Anne's on a daily basis among the flowers and the children as well as wonderful colleagues is especially energizing indeed. And so, it is with the most profound gratitude and love I sign off! Here's to a wonderful, healthy year ahead!


  1. Wow, Rose.....I want you on my team if I ever get sick. What a relief!
    Yay!!! Suzanne MacKenzie

  2. We are so happy to hear what I know is the
    biggest news of your life...CANCER FREE!!!
    How thrilled you must have been to "dodge"
    the last couple of treatments. I told you
    that you are a life force! Celebrate !
    Carla Thomas & co.
